Friday, June 22, 2007

lets go see elephants!

well now its exactly 1:55am friday morning. in about 10 hours from now i will be going to see ELEPHANTS!(elehpants was changed to elephants cuase sandra cant understand what is a typo)

this trip has been planned like five thousand years ago, and finally its happening. but with allot of people who were supposed to go dropping out at the last minute because,

  1. they think elephants are not cool enough.
  2. they totally forgot about the plan.
  3. they don't like animals
  4. they made other plans.
  5. they have to go to a stadium to do back flips and get thrown around.
  6. they are not cool enough for elephants.
  7. they have work.
  8. they have to earn more money by working more.
  9. their class ends at 4pm.

argh!! this really sucks. but anyways, there will still be miriam and friends there.

so we are going to

play with the elephants,

help the elephants take a bath,

and ride the elephants.

well i don't really like the thought of riding the elephants tho. it just doesn't seem right. it is like enslaving an animal and treating them as if they are a kind of toy for amusement and fun. i mean come on! animals have the right to be treated properly too. so i have decided not to ride the elephants.

ok, so lets just see if i will ride the elephant. want to find out, wait till my next post.

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