in that camp was about 31 little people.
the camp was held in a place called The Farm.
and in the farm, there was animals.
the food was good.
there were loads of bugs.
the water in the pond was real icky.
it was quite a cool camp.
the end...
well thats kinda short.
here goes the full entry.
little less then 2 weeks ago i attended a youth camp organised by the youth ministry of kristus aman.
it being 2 weeks away from my exams, made it even more fun for me to jump in the wagon and join the rest of the other youths.
it all started with me starting to pack about 10 minutes before i was going to leave for KA to meet up with the rest of the young youths. really typical of me to keep all the packing till the last freaking minute. good thing this time i decided to not over pack, as i've been doing so for all the other camps i have ever been to.
anyways, ended up being shouted at by belle (sister) cuase shireen was already waiting outside the house to give us a ride to church. so yeah, it was a real wet rainy day.
when i got out of the car and stepped into the church, i suddenly realised something. something that everyone, especially women, dread realising. this thing so dreadful that it makes your skin wrinkle up as it happens. a thing that causes you to start nagging more and more at other people who annoy you. a thing so horrible and scary that it actually makes me want to puke.
this thing is what we all call.....
dum dum dum...
yes my friends, noel here, for the first time in his life actually really felt that he was starting to get older.
shit... just as i typed that out, my little brother francisco sneaked up behind me carrying this doll my mum bought from vietnam which looks freaking real! and guess what, it started laughing! i mean what the hell? is someone trying to tell me something? am i seriously getting really old?
anyway, as i was saying, i am normally the person who would be the youngest, or if not the one in the middle of the age group. well especially in the youth camps, i was never one of the oldest in it. so yeah, i actually felt really really old. not that i am old, but when i looked around, most of the youths were around 14 or 15. i mean shit. the only one around my age was gifford and belle.
well after a few minutes of waiting which was more of like 8823613 minutes, the bus finally arrived to take us to The Farm. apparently it is supposed to be located somewhere really deep in the middle of nowhere. away from all the hustle and bustle of the city. somewhere where everywhere you look you see a tree. a place where the familiar sounds of moving vehicles could not be heard for really long periods of time. a place so remote that the only power lines that are oh so present in the city, was replaced with high tension electricity cables.
the bus journey took us about 2 hours to reach our destination. when we finally arrived, we had to walk up a slope on a pathway. we walked and walked and walked, all of us carrying or dragging our luggage as we went, all anticipating the time when the short journey would end. it seemed like the path would go on forever.
ok i kinda exaggerated a little. the walk was more like 200 meters or less. but after much walking, we finally saw it. a sign that said...
and after a few more meters, another signed that said
so we all walked in the farm, all happy and stuff. first animal i saw when i got there was this harry, but not so harry, four legged creature with black dots all over it.
there were many other animals that i saw on the way to the building which would serve as our home for the next few days. among them was the star tortoise, 2 rottweilers, some black bird with orange red stripe near its eyes and... and... i can't remember...
so yeah, we all dumped our bags at the building which was called miriam house. it was nicely decorated and looked like a real nice kampung house overlooking a pond. since it was already kinda late, we had the rest of the day to do what ever we wanted. so off we went exploring.
here is a description of the house we were living at. its a 4 bedroom building which has 6 toilets, a dry kitchen and a wet kitchen, a huge, but not so huge hall area, and a really cool big covered balcony which served as a living room overlooking the pond. the whole house has an open besed design, so there is plenty of fresh air. from the entrance of the house you could go down to the pond, there is a landing hovering about 4 meters of the surface of the pond and when you take the stairs down, there is another landing which was just right above the surface of the water. really nice. then at the back of the house was a huge area for a barbecue. little more than 7 steps away from that place is a small dock. on that dock there is a canoe and a quite huge 5 seater sampan.
so yeah, it was quite a cool place. it is mostly made out of wood too. so where ever you walk you can hear the thump thump thump of your heels hitting the wooden floor.
after all that exploring and looking at the animals and stuff, some of us started to get a little hungry. just then, we heard a bell ring once. then a second time. and guess what, dinner was ready. the bell was what they used to let us know when meal times were.
so all of us feeling all hungry and stuff, gathered around the dining table like farm animals. kinda funny ain't it? i bet in farms the farmers call out to the animals to let them know that it was meal time, and they are doing the same for us with ringing the bell!
the food was good. we weren't served animal food. all the food was prepared by one person. the man who runs the place, mr andrew.
he normally walks around the place half naked and all. he has the typical caretaker kinda attitude. the kind that always seems to be very strict and unfriendly, but once you start talking to him, he is actually quite friendly.
after all that grub, we had the chance to just sit around and relax. what did we do? well some people went around exploring with torch lights, some took many many showers, some sat in the hall talking, and some like me, sat on the sofa in the living room/balcony talking.
suddenly, florence called us to gather in the dining area (which was actually the entrance of the house) for something that she would not tell us. so us lazy bums on the sofa reluctantly got up and headed towards the entrance. all of a sudden, a cake came out, and it was to celebrate all those may babies!
later in the night, the bell rang again, letting us know that it was supper time. yet again, we had really good food. funny thing is that i cant really remember what i had tho... NEVERTHELESS they are good. lol!
so yeah, night time was basically normal night time camp events. there were people walking around at night exploring the place, looking at animals, and even looking at the stars. you would be surprised how much clearer the skies are far out in far away land. in the farm, they even have a lookout place which then call stargazers point, which apparently the view from there is really good.
what was i doing when all this cool exploring and stargazing was happening?
well i was out looking at animals too. me and gifford went to look at some of the animals they had there. among those they had are the malaysian gibbon named poppye, loads of rabbits, a slow loris(a kind of sloth), many many chickens, ducks, monkeys, iguanas, loads of red eared terrapins, pigeons, dogs, birds, cats and more!
among the animals we saw, was this pair of monkeys, and one of em had like a really really really swollen butt. it seriously looked really ugly. its like as if there was a really huge growth on that poor monkeys butt. sadly i don't have a picture of it. but you know what, lucky for you cause you don't get to see it. you would probably get nightmares or something. it is seriously that bad. if you ask me, i think that monkey got that really sore ass because of too much sex. hahaha... i kid you not. it seriously looked like it happened because the other male monkey is too horny or something.
besides the weird monkey with the huge enlarged butt, there was also this cute little feline that came and joined us at the house. apparently the last time organising committee came to check out the place, which was about a month ago, this can was a small little kitten. so yeah, this feline joined in the party.
well the night went on without any incident worth mentioning. there was the usual people hanging around the place, on the docks, the living room, around the pond, and at the entrance. weird thing is that most of us older people actually went to sleep earlier than the younger ones who stayed up chatting the night away.
what was the sleeping arrangements?
well the original sleeping arrangement was that all the girls would sleep in the rooms, while the guys slept outside in the hall and the living room area. but since the rooms were kinda stuffy, most of the girls decided that it was best to sleep outside. its kinda cool actually, sleeping in an area without any walls but a roof over your head. probably the closest you can get to camping without actually sleeping outside. so where ever you looked there was people sleeping everywhere.
where did i sleep?
well i took up home base at the living room/ balcony area. it was actually kinda cold. gifford was sleeping close to me. and guess who joined him in bed.
yes, the cat joined him in bed. god knows what they did. hahaha...
well the first night went on without any pranks and stuff, which was really a relief for me, as i was one of those who slept early.
well i guess this is it for the first day.
untill the next post!
but until then, here is a picture to look at
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