Sunday, June 24, 2007

cosmic funk express to space...

ok, so looks like i lied. my next post isn't about what happened at the elephant conservation center or the trip to tambun.

something even cooler happened that i decided that i have to blog about it.

well whats so cool?

i went over to groove junction at hartamas to watch

it was their last performance as their lead guitarist, zack, is going to be leaving for korea. therefore they are going to be disbanded.

want to hear their songs? well visit the cosmic funk express website.

so anyways, i went there with caroline, zak, june, harnes, and marianne. we walked into the place all late and all, so we had to stand. the band was already working their magic when we got in. the entry fee was 30 bucks. but it was worth every cent. we even got a free beer with the entrance.

since we were late, we only managed to get crappy seats at the far back. but never the less, we could hear the music great.

but yeah, it has been so long since i last played or even heard live music. listening to them play actually made me want to start jamming with the band again. i mean since william left, we haven't really jammed that much. i mean, i remember the times when i loved to play music, even tho we might have sucked, it was always cool to be playing together with other people and actually making music.

so anyways back to cosmic funk, their songs are all instrumental. cool thing is, i could actually feel the music. i mean even tho there were no vocals and stuff, their music are so well made that its like telling you a story. zack, the lead guitarist is freaking good. he plays 2 guitars at the same time and it sounds super good. alda, the bassist, is another cool character. i could see that he is like the talk person of the band, and his playing is also so freaking good! same goes for alex the drummer. really nice riffs and stuff. best thing of all, is that they all work together really well. really great combination.

anyway, the gig went on really well. untill the police came. they actually cut the gig short! i mean that the hell! if you want to go raid some joint, go raid a place that actually has drugs or something, not a place where people are enjoying good music. so freaking irritating.

i really wanted to hear more. plus it was their last performance!

anyway, we all got home all safe and sound at the end of the day. met a 2 people there, daryl and marie (i think i spelled it right). well they were probably the last people i thought i would see in a place like that.

now i'm inspired and want to make music again! lets just hope that it stays that way. having too many hobbies really takes up so much time.

so here is to a cool sweet ass band. cosmic funk express!


here are a few photos of the gig, with captions!

this is the band. really sucky photo. on the left is zack, followed by alda, and finally alex, hidden behind the drums.

marianne and june. this two couldn't stop dancing!

this is me, zack and caroline! with horns thinggies.

people missing was harnes. forgot to get a photo of him.

oh and also i got a cool picture with zack. but its with caroline. so i gotta steal it from here and i'll post it up.

good night!


Anonymous said...

the police came? i went for the gig but i didn't see any police at all.

Anonymous said...

oh wait, i forgot they had a 2-days gig. i went on friday.

haha, my apologies. WOAH THE POLICE CAME??

Noel said...

yeah the police came. it was really stupid.

seriously potong stim man.. they even had to cut a song whey were playing short.