Friday, July 25, 2008


this is just something to fill in the time. decided to go through some of my pictures from kuching. so here are some photos of the rainfirest world music festival 2008 and other pictures from running around kuching.

there are 2 batches of pics. one from the first half of my trip when my sister was there and the other half when she left. these pics are those of the second half which also contains the rainforest world music festival pics. the first half are yet to be uploaded.

firstly the one and only group picture in this post.

from left to right. me, ayu, denise, cletus, sid and lorraine.

i mostly hung out with ayu, cletus and lorraine during the rainforest event.

this one is a picture of the kuching waterfront. it was supposed to be a panorama shot, but i was too lazy to stitch it together. stay tuned for the full panorama picture.

this next picture is taken on the beach of damai puri resort. this is the resort which i "sort of" stayed at during the rainforest event.

here is a random shot i took. on the right side would be some rocks which would lead down to the beach. i had to crop it out as when i took the picture the horizon wasn't straight, and it looked awefull.

so from here on the pictures are from the rainforest world music festival 2008.

this is the main stage where most of the better music comes from during the night.
rainforest festial

as you can see, the grass is all nice and green. little would you know that on that exact same night, it would eventually become a mud hole.

this is a photo of a dude making a sape. i think that the white partition board on the left of the picture really ruined the shot. dammit....
rainforest festial

this is the view from the same house i took the picture of the man making the sape. what a great view.
rainforest festial

and this here is the picture of the house i was on when i took the photo of the man making the sape which i afterwards took the photo of the great view. i know, i'm trying to confuse you on purpose.
rainforest festial

this is of a totem pole. carved out of a tree and it was about 7 meters high. sadly it was plagued with a few nails popping out from its side. had to photoshop it out. can you spot the changes?
rainforest festial
quite hard i think...

this band is one of the coolest bands in the whole festival. each member can play about 3 instruments. coolest stuff and most fun music.
rainforest festial

more pictures of the band. i think its called bezentine or something like that.
rainforest festial

i quite like this one. i even cought the broken hair of the bow.
rainforest festial
yet again, another editing mistake. the colours of the picture doesnt seem that nice. i forgot to bump up the colours after changing the white balance. was kinda in a hurry when i was editing them.

this band was kinda cool. their first song went "SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY!"
rainforest festial

this is one of a sape player.
rainforest festial
yeah man!! electric sape!!! behold how modern technology has effected traditional instruments. then again, isn't all instruments so called traditional to a certian culture?

oh well...

anyway, if you would like to see a bigger version of the photo, just click on them. more should be yet to come.

last week end i went down to singapore. why? well its cause my dear sister was heading over to the land of the roos. what is a roo? its a kangaroo.

so looks like its me the oldest kido in the house now. sigh....

more on kuching when i have the time.

1 comment:

albert said...

Beltaine! Awesome Celtic shredders.