Thursday, July 10, 2008


well the time for the rainforest world music festival 2008 is almost at hand!

tomorrow ill be heading down to the cultural village which is in damai for the event. whats cool is that there are actually a few people that i know from KL thats attending the event.

so enough about the damn concert. bet you are wondering about kuching.

been in kuching for a little more then a week now, and how is it you ask? well its actually not bad. its great to be away from the hustle and bustle of the freggin city. it only takes 10 minutes to get anywhere! im not kidding. no traffic jams, no serious noise polution, and also no light polution. that means that you can actually see the stars when you are in the middle of the city!

how cool is that?!

more of the trip when i get home.

noel out...

1 comment:

albert said...

Shit, didn't take note of the sky at night!