Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunburst Music Festival

finally i've forced myself to post some pictures from the sunburst music festival.
it took a while because i was lazy to post up the pictures. but after that i realised that i needed to edit the pictures alittle, so now with a newly reformated PC, a nice bunch of newly bought ram, and a few new photo editing programs (which i have yet to learn how to use), the photos are finally ready!
so i was mostly playing around with lightroom, hence the wierd effects on most of the photos. but some of them are mostly unedited as i was too lazy and the pictures didn't look so bad straight out of the camera.

all of the pictures were taken with my olympus ZD 70-300 f4-5.6

it was raining, and i only had the option of bringing one lens, so i decided on the tele lens. good thing i took the tele instead of the ZD 14-54 f2.8-3.4 or i wouldn't have been able to get the close ups. i didnt have a press pass, so i was basicly sneaking around the place and most of the time im qutie far away from the action. so im happy i took a tele :D
anyway, here goes!

here is one of one buck short.

for those of you that were there, you probably would have seen the bassists guitar flying across the stage. here is a picture i got a second before that happened.

and for those of you who wasn't there, i bet you can put the pieces together.

so what does a bassist without a guitar do?

he jumps around the stage and goes crowd surfing, or at least he tried to.

next up is tempered mental.

don't ask me why i didn't get pictures of the other band members. cause i have no idea why they are all missing from the frame.

next up would be most of the interenational bands. i was at the festival alittle late, therefore i missed out on most of the local gigs. plus it rained when i got there, so running around in the rain with a camera wouldn't really be so much fun.

here is some of the roots

i kinda like the mono tone ones. i feel like it gives a nice effect to concerts. i especially like the one above. the colour gives it a nice mood.

next is a "sort of" local artise, Che nelle.

only have one photo of her. i can't remember which band was playing at the same time as her, so i decided to watch the other band instead... :P

next up is Incognito! it was the first time i heard their music, and i must say, it was excelent! sadly i wasn't able to enjoy much of their music as i had to run off for incubus' press confrence. ARGH!!

ok, i think ive posted way to many pictures. blogger is starting to go haywire on me. more of incubus on the next post.


Anonymous said...

where's the brandon boyd???!?!??!?!


Noel said...

i wonder who anonymarsh is....

well the brandon boyd is still being prosessed for not having a hamsterinabox visa.

albert said...

Whoa, I like the international artistes shots! They're a lot closer. And hooray ZD 70-300mm!

Noel said...

thanks man