Tuesday, April 15, 2008
a climbers story?
there is hardly anything about climbing in my blog nowadays. gone were the days when all i would talk about was climbing. gone were the days when climbing was my number 1 passion!
now it seems that my main passion is photography, followed next by climbing. this sucks... know why?
it's cause i would have to think of another slogan for my blog. which would take me a long time. a really long time to think up.
haha, i think i'll just stick with the old one. i kinda like the name "a mixture of white chalk and hidden laughters, a climbers story with a little bit of life in between". but not it seems more like a lifers story with a little bit of climbing in between. hahaha! if there is even such a thing as lifer.
but i think i would have to change the picture in the heading. its starting to get a little old...
so yeah, i know i'm supposed to post up the sean kingston pics. but looks like i ain't going to today. didn't really think i was going to make a post today either.
last night, i had the longest reading session EVER!!$@#!
i was reading the novel "the journeyer" at 1230 in the morning last night, and only maneged to put it down 5 freaking hours later!! i mean i seriously couldn't put the book down. i did try to put the book down at around 3am, but after a few minutes of staring into the blankness of the dark, not able to sleep, i decided i should continue reading.
knowing me, i love to take my time reading my novels. can you guess how long i've been reading this novel?
and its still not finished yet. i'm currently on page 724.
ok la, one of the reasons why it takes me so long to finish the book is because i only read it before i go to bed. its like my bedtime story. i love the fact that the writer describes everything in full detail, therefore i am able to jump right into the story.
don't you guys just love a good story?
Monday, April 14, 2008
well its because i've been super uber busy with work and exams this past week.
just imagine, i had exams through the week, and inbetween those exams, i had to rush to work to run some courses. as for the weekend, it was 2 courses on 2 days which had no less than 22 ppl. was kida crazy la. but good practice for me.
oh! before i forget, i went to see sean kingston at zouk this friday. just incase you are wondering, no i didn't pay to enter. PFFT! i mean its freaking sean kingston. who in the right mind would pay for it? so yeah, here is the story.
after work on friday, i rushed over to KL convension centre for the PF fair, wanted to check out the new zuiko digital 25mm f2.8 pancake lens. it was cool. real small. anyway, ted called me up and said that sean kingston was in zouk. so since i was in the area, i waled over from KL convension centre to zouk. on the way to zouk, i found this small pocket of skaters. not that i'm interested in skating, but i was thinking that some time i would stop by and take some pics. so anyway off i went to sean kingston.
well anyway, got into zouk's main hall, and the place was quite packed. not extreamly packed, but just packed. so me and ted met up and decided to find a place to shoot. it was super crowded, so finding a spot wasn't easy. but luckly the management allowed us to barge our way towards the front of the stage. so me and ted faught our way through loads of screaming fans and finally managed to get a spot in front.
so we waited and waited and waited. and finally, this big fatty came out!!!
hahaha!! i'll post the pictures of sean kingston when i have time. probably in the next post.
untill then!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
a new light

i finally got myself an external flash for my camera.
this model is called the FL-36. reason why is because at iso 100, this flash can light up a subject 36 meters away. it has an AF assist lamp, which totally helps with focusing in the dark. the head can be turned, so now i can bounce the flash, and its just cool la.
now i can finally shoot gigs properly.
here is some photos of one buck short's event at the loft. it was their album launch and i just stopped by to get some shots and party a little.
before i begin, this is a picture of ted. a really bad picture of him...
so anyway, on with the pictures.

and some more. see if you can spot ted again.
alright, enough of the band, here are pics of the ppl at the event.
this is thomas, a new addition to camp5. he comes from france.
this is wan, with a chick which i can't recall her name. wan is a colleague of mine from camp5
a picture of the crowd. see of you can spot thomas.
and lastly, the 2 white guys with really wierd hair styles. can you spot them? the one with the black leather jacket, and the one in purple. they look like they came out of an austin powers movie.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
a trip to the jungle

had to switch the picture to b&w, because it was overexposed. i accidentally took the photo in the wrong settings. here is another, with colour!

but sadly, it isn't as easy to kick it out like in the movies. in the movies, when they kick the windshield out, it comes out as one nice piece.
ours came out in pieces.... damn those movie directors, giving us false hope of an easy way out.
so anyway, we cleaned up the mess and went on with the show.
sungai chilling or otherwise knows as chilling river, is a really cool place. its a trek along the river with 6 river crossings before you reach the waterfall at the end.
so we headed there and briefed the kids on the safety and stuff. it was pretty cool watching 20 or so kids with huge backpacks walking into the jungle and crossing the rivers.
here are some of the river crossings

as you can see, the kids are quite small, and the current quite strong at some areas, therefore we have to make a human wall to keep them from being swept away. oh btw, when i walked into the water for the first time, my balls literally shrank!
the water is COLD! but its fun la. loads of fish in the water too.
so the trek each way is about 30 minutes. after all that hard walking, you finally get rewarded with a nice waterfall!

next, is a picture of the crew, minus aqmal. he decided to take a nap on a rock.

with so much rocks and boulders lying around, what do you think a climber would do?

i went bouldering! found this killer route near the waterfall. good thing i brought my shoes along.
so after playing in the water and having our lunch, we headed back down stream. it was a really funny trip, cause at every river crossing, there would be at least 5 kids that would fall over and take a plunge into the cold water. there was even this girl megan, she carried this bag, and because she fell into the river so many times, the bag was practically full of water. so she actually carried the bag full of water and stuff all the way down stream. really hilarious.
anyway, here is a group photo.

after we left the kids, we headed down to the nearby town to get our car vacuumed as there were glass everywhere!
the town seems to be a really old town. there are buildings from the colonial days when the british ruled us.

so yeah, it was quite cool.
after we got the car cleaned, we headed back home. its so cool to have a car without a windshield, because there is no need for air conditioning, everything you look at seems to have more colour, and its just the IN thing you know.
so anyway here was the picture of the day. hope you like it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
ads ads ads... pfft
well its probably cause they want to earn some money from the amount hits they get.
but do you think that its worth it?
well i remember when i first started blogging, i think it was about 5 years ago, you actually HAVE TO PAY to get the ads out of your blog. how ironic is that? now you get paid to put ads on your blog. but little do they know that they only get paid peanuts. i mean common, how many percent of bloggers actually manage to cash out on their hits? i think its probably a really small number of 0.5% out of the entire population.
anyway, i've decided to get rid of any form of ads on my blog now. i mean why fill my blog up with useless stuff that probably only makes my blog look more congested than it already is.
so guys, just have a think about if the ads are actually helping you, or are the corporate giants just leeching on our blogs. if you find that you have not recieved any money at all, then why not take the ads down, cuase chances are that you probably won't ever get a cent from them. on the other hand, if you find that you are earning something from the ads, then heck keep them on cuase it is helping you.
just some thoughts. some pics should be coming soon.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
so it begins..... again...
first of april = to april fools day.
weird thing is that today, i have not encountered one single april fools joke/prank. i guess growing up makes you forget about all these useless nonsense. but speaking about nonsense, doesn't these childishness actually help us release some stress and at the same time relax our mind when we make someone else smile and at the same time making ourself smile.
hahaha, ok enough of this long time beating around the bush stuff.
so lets see what i did today. i would say it was a pretty boring day. i bet i can sum it up in less than 20 words.
woke up late, went for classes, ate lunch inbetween, went home, came on the computer and thats it.
real boring day huh?
hmmm... lets see.. pictures. well i guess that this post won't be having any pictures.
well its becuase i feel that this blog is starting to look like some picture blog, where people just post pictures and say " i'll let the pictures do the talking"
so i think its about time i posted an entry that has way more words than it has pictures.
besides all this other stuff, i just recently found out that the long time operations manager of camp5 is going to be leaving to his home land of australia for good. its quite sad actually. but at least there is going to be a huge leaving party come birthday for him.
ok i think i'll end this post here. more on some camera gear and events on my next post.
lets hope i can keep up my one post every 2 days track.