Monday, July 2, 2007


well today was the first day of the video shoot for some petronas corporate video. this is a 2 minute video which we are required to run, jump, balance on logs, and do a little climbing.

our first spot was a place called lipur lentang. its some place which has rivers and has a camp site and stuff. a really nice place actually, until you look around carefully. there was freaking loads of trash everywhere!

i mean WHAT THE FUCK?! why can't people learn to throw their trash away?


when i got to the place, it was really great to see a place with rivers and trees and stuff. but when i walked down to the river, there were empty bottles, diapers, paper plates, plastic bags, and any other SHIT that people take along with them for a picnic.

i seriously really hate people who litter. everywhere i go, i can find people who throws their rubbish around, without even bothering to search for a rubbish bin before they toss their crap on the floor. these people are the people who really make this country a shit hole. when ever i see people littering, i really feel like kicking them in the balls and cutting out their eyeballs too, cuase they don't deserve to have children, because they would probably teach them that littering is not a bad thing. seriously, i have seen it happen before. parents telling kids that littering is freaking ok! i mean what the fuck?!

have you ever complained that this country is so dirty? well what are you doing about it? do you yourself litter? well if you do, then you are one of those damn bastards who just loves to complain but doesn't bother to do a thing about it. i mean think about it, why bother complaining that your country is such a shit hole with trash everywhere when you, yourself are contributing to it?

for those of you who say, well everyone else does it. what difference does it make if i do it?


if everyone in the world thought the same thing, this world would probably be a really shitty place to live in.

CHANGE STARTS WITH YOU! if you don't change, how can you expect others to change.

so next time, when you have a nice piece of candy and decide to pop it in your mouth, then suddenly find that you have a candy wrapper in your hand, don't toss it under the car, or even into flowerpots. there are petter places where these things should go. these places are called trash bins. if you can't find one, then keep them in your pocket till you find one.

remember, change starts with you! together we can make this country cleaner than singapore!!

haha... well maybe thats too much to wish for, but it would be nice, wouldn't it?

well back to the shoot, after all that jumping and all, we were off to shoot in genting. we shot running scenes from really weird places and stuff. we had to pose with the sunset in the background and even while hanging from a rope off a cliff. but it was all fun.

at the end of the day we (me, shahpur, fida) were all tired out. i mean like seriously. i can practically fall asleep right now if it wasn't for the fact that i had to buy bread for the house...

anyway will update again on day 2 of the shoot, which is tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOOT!!!! Go Noel!! This is your best blog so far, I completely agree with you! Perlis was the same, belaying was gross 'cause the floor was covered in food and diapers and trash. I promise I won't ever litter! And maybe one day I'll have enough courage to kick someone in the balls if i see them do it :P