whats this edition about you ask?
well its an essay on "what i did yesterday with miriam, marcus, and sandra"
yes, as the title suggests, we went jogging yesterday.
it all started with us talking a walk down to bread story, to get some food to fill our tummies! after purchasing all those pastries, we made our way to marcus' car which was in the open air car park in one utama. on our way there, we passed by a familiar sight. smack right outside the entrance near the giant supermarket, the plants, floor and metal barriers were YELLOW!
why yellow?
well because earlier that day we had a training from camp5 on "how to use a fire extinguisher"
yes my friends, its all yellow everywhere because all of us camp5 staff got 2 whole fire extinguishers to empty. so we extinguished any life forms that were hiding in those bushes. there was so much yellow-powder-fire-extinguisher-essence that surely anything that was there would have surely died. while we were training how to be firemen, mr. jeremy, kept reminding us to not attempt to put out the fire at all, unless you decide to be heroic. well i think thats what he said.
anyway we walked by and admired our art! such great art. after staining there admiring the art for like 2 seconds, we made our way to the car while eating our recently bought buns from the bun shop.
on our way to lembah kiara, we had to stop by the infamous traffic lights in front of one utama.
why infamous you ask? is there something really exciting to see there?
HELL NO! its so infamous because it always takes forever for the lights to change. so you would end up spending like 5 minutes in one spot doing........ NOTHING.
but of course we had better things in mind. we aren't like everyone else. so this is what we decided to do.
yes ladies and gents, we decided to make silly faces in front of the camera and do some head banging action!
after awhile the light turned green and our attention shifted back to the ever changing pictures that changes when the car moves.
before we went to the park, we had to stop by miriam's, so that she could get changed and stuff. so knowing me, i can;t sit still in the car for too long, i went into her house to look around. i went into her garden and poked around and saw this tank filled with algae and some water lily plants. you wouldn't ever believe what was in the tank.... a pair of EELs!! how cool is that? miriam has EELs as pets! she has a black cat, a frog, and god knows what else in her house.
anyway after poking around abit, i looked at the car and saw marcus standing outside saying "i'm going jogging like this!"
anyway, miriam was ready, so of we went to the park!
before any form of exercise, it is always good to STRETCH!
yes, stretching helps to worm up your body and also helps to make your muscles more stretched and ready for the upcoming exercise! niglecting to stretch your muscles before exercise, especially hardcore exercise, can result in muscle injury and strain. thats why i always stretch before i exercise!
after all that stretching, it was time to go JOGGING! so we went on our way with miriam in the lead as the pace setter. miriam and i decided to go for like 6 rounds around the park. it was the smaller round, but nevertheless it is still long.
after about almost 2 rounds, we had our first casualty. SANDRA DOWN!! so the three of us just turned and continued running away from the casualty. Hahaha! what else were we supposed to do, we were jogging. anyway, on the way we say many monkeys, people, people with really short shorts, and yes, very fat people trying to loose some weight. but the most amazing thing was that there was this monkey with a bottle of soybean. there was a stray in the bottle and guess what, the monkey was actually drinking from it!
well we continued jogging and jogging till it got dark and then after my 6th round, miriam only did 5, marcus about 3.5(i think), and sandra 1.00003, we all gathered in the workout section of the park to do our stretching.
stretching after exercise is also as important as stretching before exercise, as it would help your muscles become more flexible and more stretchier! failing to do so would only result in your muscles not being able to stretch to its fullest potential.
anyway, after the run, i was all out of breath and stuff because i ran the last 50 meters to the end. it felt sooooo good! reason why, because i haven't went for a jog in like 1.5 years. i almost forgot how great it felt to go jogging. when you go for a jog, look up to the sky. it makes you feel like you are flying. but you have to be at a fast enough speed in order to get enough wind in your face to simulate flying. plus you gotta make sure you don't bump into anyone.
at the stretching/workout place, we did loads of stretches and workouts. sandra and marcus was so good that they even showed me and miriam some of their cheer routines. sat and chat while stretching for a while. then it started. it was time for photos!
well after all that exercise, it was time to go home.
When i got home, my legs were like all aching and stuff. but i'm a MAN, men don't complain about pain! no pain no gain! so anyway did the regular stuff at home and then went to bed.
here comes the coolest part. i couldn't sleep because my muscles felt oh so itchy. so what else should i do, start scratching! Hahaha! well actually i was kinda stretching my muscles while i was sleeping.
the next day my legs felt like jelly. i mean seriously. real soft squiggly jelly. every step i took was pain. and when i walked i actually felt that i was walking like a penguin. bobbing from side to side. when i stood still, my legs wobbled with every move i made.
well guys, this is what you get when you over exert yourself in an exercise. plus i doubt that i did enough stretching. well anyway I LOVE PAIN! FEEL THE PAIN, LOVE THE PAIN! Hahaha!
oh, before i end. today i saw this ad in the tele. it said buckle up behind. now the message that the government is trying to send to us is "even if you buckle up in the front seat, the back seat people can still die if they don't buckle up."
so remember guys, dont forget to buckle up while sitting in the back seat! Hahaha! as if anyone will ever do that.
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