Tuesday, February 24, 2009

so i finally got it

i know its been an uber long time since i last made a blog entry. blogging doesnt seem to appeal to me that much anymore.

many things has happened, holidays are over, new semmester has started, and life goes on as usual.

so here is what this blog entry is all about.

i finally got the LC-A+!!

all thanks to the combined effort between my sister and i in monetary terms to purchase the camera.

so here is what it looks like.

now just to let you guys know what this camera does. its an old school film camera.

yes it uses that little rolls of photographic film. no silicon sensors in this camera. you even have to manually wind the film after each photo is taken, and once you've spent all the pictures, you gotta manually rewind it back into the roll too!

besides that, this camera has a minitar 1 32mm f2.8 lens. this lens suposedly gives super high saturation and contrast, which i have no idea how true that is. the lever on the right of the lens is the manual focus setting. this camera has 4 zones for focusing which are 0.8m, 1.5m, 3m and infinity.

the LC-A+ also has a hotshoe, so you are able to attach an external flash onto it.

some of the things that makes the LC-A+ different from the original LC-A is that it doesnt have an aperture setting and the LC-A+ has an added lever for chreating multiple exposures on one frame.

oh and it also has an expanded ASA setting to 1600 and can take the wire release and some other acessories like the fisheye adaptor.

all in all its quite a cool camera. it was originally a russian camera created by the soviet union. well actually it was a copy of a japanese camera, the cosina CX-1. but now production has been moved to china becuase the LOMO company in russia shut down their camera division a number of years ago.

so this camera like all cameras being sold by the lomographic society international, has super inflated prices.

anyway i think you guys are super confused and dont understand what im thinking. if you want to know more, look up LOMO LC-A+ on google.

btw, i would show you some of the shots that i took, but i'd have to get the film scanned into the computer, which costs money, so forget that.



albert said...

Developing and then scanning should cost RM10 for a roll. Not too bad, really!

Noel said...

oh really? i went to a place and they quoted me 20 bucks to develop and scan.

albert said...

Try Leos Trading in Ampang Park. Tell Jeff you're Albert's friend!

Anonymous said...

all the way in ampang?
unless u have alot to scan and develop.
otherwise, better just do it at where you asked the last time.
cosi assume its nearer.
tansportation cost and the time to go to ampang will cost more thn rm10. so comes up to the sam thing.

unless you can find somewhere else nearby tht is cheaper!


albert said...

Hmmm, assuming you get on the Putra LRT, Ampang Park is easy peasy. :D

Noel said...

hey albert, where do you normally buy your films and how much are they? im thinking of getting bulk film.

well actually i already did get bulk film. i got a kodak ektakrome EDUPE film. its some duplicating film. but the film speed is extreamly low tho. about asa 16

albert said...

In front of Pasar Seni LRT, when you cross the road to Central Market, there's a camera shop on the right - Fujifilm Superia 400 goes for like RM7 there. Digicolor, Jalan Ipoh is best for large amounts of cheap Fujifilm as well as learner's black-and-white Lucky film.

The more serious stuff is elsewhere but I don't shoot very serious film. I just like Fujifilm really.