Tuesday, March 4, 2008

look!! its my first panorama

click on it to enlarge the picture.

ok... i know this is a really crappy post. im still kinda not finding the time to blog. it seems that ive become so freaking lazy.


so here is an update on school.

started a week ago, currently its the 5th day of uni, and so far the friends that i've made, in my semmester that is, only amounts to 6. can you freaking believe that?!

i'm starting to become really anti-social. hhahaha!!

ok now at least i have put something in this blog that is almost worth reading. i think this is the first post in a long long time that has more words than pictures. but then again, a picture tells a thousand words, and ive got a panorama which i have stitched like 10 pictures together. does that mean that there is still more pictures than words?

ahhh what the heck.

over and out.

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