here are some pictures taken yesterday.
here is one of me.
this is one of kammy
and a last one of andrew
cool eh? it isn't as easy as it looks. actually takes loads of practice. the pros can even do summersaults and land right on the slackline. but sadly noone in camp5 has reached that level yet. its only been what? a week since it was first set up?
for those of you who are interested in trying out the slackline, camp5 sets them up around the end of the day if people want to do it. but they will soon set up a set time when they will set it up.
next up, is about cats. well more of kuching. i leave for kuching in another 6 hours time. and will only be back on the 15th of july.
i'll be going for the rainforest world music festival!!
besides the music festival, ill also be going to kuching to visit people and get intouch with my roots... lol! i like the sound of that. well its cuase i haven't been back in like what? 7 years? around that i think. so its about time i went back for a visit. for those of you who didnt know, i was born in kuching and lived there for about 6 years before i moved to KL.
anyway, im also hoping to do some climbing there. managed to get a contact from a friend of a climber in kuching. hope all goes well and i can go climbing.
gotta start packing now. till the next time i post! hopefully with more pictures and more photos.
p.s. my sister will be leaving for perth on the 20th of july. she will be the first bird leaving the nest. hope all goes well...
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