here is one of incognito.
next up i have a picture of john legend. it isn't really a good picture, because i wasn't really interested in his music. i think its more for the girls. anyway, here is quite a gay picture of him dancing with some 'not so attractive' chick.
so here goes!
here is a new version of one of the boyd pics that i posted up a while back. and now the pics will not be centered cause im really bad at HTML and i cant seem to put it so. plus it takes so long to upload the pic onto blogger. so im just grabbin it off flickr.
here is another one with a wide view of the stage.
more boyd pics.
marxha says that the guitar doesn't suit him...
another reedited new version of a previously posted picture. i like the shadows on this one. but i feel that the screen killed the picture.
another "light shining on the guitarist" picture.
another new version of a previously uploaded picture. note, the really irritating red horn head bands.
a "spotlight on the vocalist" picture
this was one of those photos that looked really good on the camera LCD, but when i uploaded it onto the computer, i was extremely disappointed. there were ppl's hands sticking out from the crowd and stuff. looks like i need to buy a ladder for taking shots in concerts.
this one is alittle blurry. had to crop the picture to get a tight composition. yet again this picture was also plagued with the hands waving in the air and sorts.
this was one of incubus' last songs. aqueous transmission if i'm not mistaken.
more boyd...
i think i posted this up in my previous post too.
looks like thats all.
gotta go meet the marxha for climbing now, and im late...
oh btw, camp5 has a slack line now. only set up on some days :D
SWEET! I thought you were in front when Incubus happened. Or did you go back in the lines?
thanks man.
neh i decided i wanted to properly enjoy the music, so at first i was in the crowd, then after i went to the back of the crowd in order to properly hear the music. while i was in the crowd, i could only hear everyone else singing, and it wasnt nice....
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