Thursday, May 29, 2008

i might be back

well today i had my first long climbing session since i started to slack off in december.

finally i managed to bring myself to keep climbing. managed a 5 hour day today. i even managed to finish 2 of my project routes. well only one actually, i didn't clean the other one.

anyway, it feel really god to be climbing again. at first i started the day with just taking some climbing photos (like what i normally do), but because i didn't have the bosun's chair, it got really uncomfortable sitting in the rope. so i decided to stop taking pictures and started climbing.

so right now, the joints on my middle finger hurts, cause i've had such a hard days climb.

it really amazes me that im still able to climb. even tho i never climb consistently anymore, which is like hardly once in two weeks, i am still able to pick up from where i left off a few months ago when i was still hardcore climbing. only thing now is that i dont seem to have the super stamina anymore. looks like its time to train up :D

so anyway time to talk about something else.

hmmm... lets see...

ah yes! my brother inigo found this huge stack of DVDs outside someones house the other day. they were all original and it was a mixture of moveis and other shows like lost. coolest thing is that there was the whole trilogy of the lord of the rings!! not only that, its the extended version!! looks like i'm going to be spending alot of time watching is.

besides all that,i'm now currently blogging from the comfort of my bed. how? well my sister got a lap top the recent PC fair, and i'm using it. its such a nice thing to have, your own lap top comuter which you can take anywhere.

ok i guess thats all for this edition of a mixture of white chalk and hidden laughters. i'm off to watch somelord of the rings :D

hopefully i'll post some pictures soon. maybe from sunburst or maybe the left overs from phuket.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

cant think of anything

i was going to make some sort of emo blog just now, but suddenly i got distracted by loocking for a new template for this blog. sadly i didn't find one, and also you guys won't get to hear my rant about some emo stuff.

anyways, looks like my busy period is just almost over. tomorrow will be the last day of the deadlines. then after that, it will just be the final exams that will be in the way.

ever thought about how pointless life seems to get sometimes?

well its starting to become quite pointless right now. why can't life be filled with thrill and excitement like those you see in the movies. i mean i do my best to make things as exciting and thrilling as i can, but sometimes it just takes too much effort.

oh the wonderous thing we call a life....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

some pictures from sunburst

ok, yet again its been a while. i think its about time i made a post.

here is just a short summary of whats been happening this part week.

lately ive been extreamly busy with school work. YES! for the very first time in noel's short life he is bummed out with school work. well i bet the amount of work i have isn't really that much, but in my terms it is quite alot. worst of all, all these work actually carries a percentage of marks which contribute to my finals. crazy shit rite?

anyway, i'm about half way done with my deadlines. still have another 2 more presentations to finish up. besides that, its all boring.

anyway, as the title says, here are some photos of incubus at sunburst. requested by marxha

ok it might look alittle gay posting up pictures of half naked guys, but marxha wanted it. she is a brandon boyd fan.

so to compensate for the excess of guys, here is one of fiqa shot at the finals of malaysian dream girl.

and another from one of my street shoots in KL.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

its been a while


well it seems that its been more than half a month since my last post. been really busy lately.

among some of the things i've been doing is working, studying for exams (yes i actually did some studying), and taking more pictures.

here is a picture that i took yesterday at the fashion show in 1 utama. more would be on its way.